A quick holiday recipe!

by - 06:00:00

As the holiday season draws closer my favorite foods and drinks start to come out. Mince pies, chocolate Santas and brandy cream all call at me from the shelves, begging me to pick them up.

So with that in mind I wanted to share with you one of my simplest but mighty tasty 'holiday' recipes, hot chocolate!

We don't have a microwave and I can't stand the fake 'just add water stuff' so I grab a cup (per person) of milk and start to hear it up on the hob. (Heat it slowly and store often so it doesn't go lumpy.)

Once hot I start to stir in cadburys chocolate buttons and keep adding them 1 by 1 until I have it slightly stronger than the desired strength of my drink.

Pooring it out I fill my cup 3/4 of the way and top it up with cold milk.

Give it one last sor and top with squirts cream, marshmallows and a few more buttons.

It's perfectly tasty and take minutes to make. The perfect treat for a cold night and great to go with a movie.

What you favourite holiday recipe?

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