
On the 3rd Day of Christmas ... How becoming a parent has changed the holidays for me!

Hi and thanks for hopping over from Lycrawidow and welcome to my post for the THIRD!! day of #12daysofparenting. We have many prizes to giveaway! Full details can be found on the#12daysofparenting page and all entries to be completed via the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post.


Christmas just isn't Christmas without children! I've tried the all adult Christmas once and it wasn't fun. Waking up later and no rush for presents, the quietness and no excitement the night before. Of course it's still lovely... But its just not the same!!


Christmas has changed since becoming a parent. I'm so excited the night before and busy for weeks and weeks with preparations! I stop and look at every light and tree, because I know the toddler would be annoyed if we miss on! Getting up early, putting batteries in toys, playing the new game and racing the new scooter... that's Christmas!!


I now go to bed as early as I can and again I can't sleep due to excitement and I know i'll be up even earlier the next morning, I arrange things like buying bacon, I spend weeks excited to make stocking and advent calendars and who is going to what house, its the busiest I've ever been... Then when its all over, I get excited and start planning for next year!


So what does Christmas feel like for those who have kids... its as exciting and fun as it is for those kids!!

So what does Christmas look like for those who have kids... Chaos... just with a lot more mess, broken baubles and a tree that is only half decorated!!

I can't wait for this years chaos... oh wait, its already begun!!

Today's Christmas Code Word is: Awake

For more posts about how being a parent has changed Christmas, please hop on over to Adventures of a Novice Mum where you can gain further entries into the grand prize draw. Full terms and conditions can be found on the mummieswaitingwebsite. UK residents only