
How I stay organised as a mum and blogger!

Being a mum is hard work and working at the same time is even harder! Remembering appointments for yourself and your family, keeping track of cleaning schedules, making meal plans, it's no wonder we are all so tired! For 3 years now I've been struggling to stay organised and get everything done, then I finally got round to trying a bullet journal. Now I'll never look back! Below I'm sharing my journal and how it keeps me organised with time to spare!
mummies waiting bullet journal

Open my diary and the first thing you'll see (after the contents pages) is my key, the key plays a very important part in my book, it's tailored to ME and makes the whole journal work smoothly.
TIP: If you have lots of different parts of family life to separately, use your colours for different members of the family. Purple for mum, red for dad, green for older child or even separate into school, work, home, family events.
Bullet Journal Key

My Future Log is the place where I can jot down yearly or one off events, these are events I need to remember, but not until the month comes, family visits, weddings, birthdays, they all go here.
TIP: If you have lots to go in here do a 6 or even 3 month spread! (A separate birthday page works well too!)
bullet journal future log

So this page is level 10 life. Kara (Boho Berry) wrote an awesome post on it over on her site! Level 10 Life is a great way to remind you what you love about your life and what you need to work on (and how you're going to do it!)
bullet journal level 10 life

Savings! I love how visual my savings are! Just colouring in the jars has helped me in 2 ways, firstly it's helped me to remember to save and secondly it's helped me not to spend my savings because I know I've coloured a jar in and will have £500 if I fill them all!

The meal planning page is a must for us! It only took me half an hour (which is nothing compared to how much it saves me!) and I can now see every week how much my meals cost and work out a cheaper week of meals or a more indulgent week, it's really helps me save money to add to my jars!
bullet journal savings and meal plan

The blogger and vlogger in me absolutely loves this page! I can jot down all my ideas for both my YouTube channel and my blog (Mummies Waiting). When I'm stuck for something I post I can just open the page and remember all the ideas I've come up with! (As an extra blogger tip in the back of my book I keep my accounts so they're easy to update regularly!)
bullet journal  youtube and blog

Keeping track of my Social Media Stats when companies ask is a nightmare, with so many platforms it takes up so much time! So once a month I will update my stats and they will all be to hand when ever I need them. A bonus is I can see how much my stats grow over the year!
bullet journal social media stats

My monthly planner takes minutes to set up, it's just a single page with all the dates on and I write any special events. I also add any tasks that need doing this month and any things I need to buy, not forgetting to migrate on the last day of the month!
I decided to make it a double spread by adding an achievements page! Every time we do something during the month I draw a picture so I have a visual memory of my month!
bullet journal monthly

The weekly planner is the best bit! Check out the Bullet Journal website to see best how to set yours up!
I set mine up by adding a time line (1-12&1-12) across the top, colouring each section in so I have a visual of my day. (1-7 sleep, 10-12 group, 12-1 appointment etc)
I love adding a visual of the day's weather and noting the high and low temperate (it's great to look back on!)
Add the date, day, your tasks and your off. I set the next day up each night before bed, it takes less than 2 minutes and I really enjoy doing it!
bullet journal daily

For my YouTube channel I have an upload schedule of my cooking videos and my travel videos. It helps me to remember what's been done and when I need another video uploaded!
bullet journal youtube

That's it! Once set up it takes me 2 minutes each night before bed to get ready for the next day. Since starting my journal I've been more organised and I get everything done! If you want more idea, Pinterest have fantastic cleaning, weight loss, exercise and many more ideas! You can check out my bullet journal pin board which I update daily for ideas (I've got a list I want to do including a tracker and a Disney Wishlist page to go with this post!)

Hope you enjoyed this post, I would love to know how you keep organised, does a bullet journal rule your world too? Leave me a comment below!