Getting Dinner Done Fast with Rustlers and Tesco #RustlersHack
We've all been there, it's one of the kids birthday parties, you were up at 2am Friday night still blowing up balloons and wrapping that stupid pass the parcel. The party has ended and now its dinner time and really you just don't want to cook! However after a sneaky takeaway at the weekend and party food for lunch, chicken nuggets and chips just isn't going to cut it. So what do you do? Hack a rustlers and i'm going to show you how!
Rustlers fits in with families busy weekend schedules, while still creating meals that are fun occasions.
The Hacking Bits:
Rustlers Southern Fried Chicken Burger Twin Pack (Feature quality chicken marinated with a southern fried breadcrumb)
Cucumber (Which I cut into batons and circles)
Tomatoes (Cut into Slices)
Butter Nut Squash (Cut into stars and part of the Tesco veg deal)
Carrot, Beetroot and Parsnip (Cut into fries and part of the Tesco veg deal)
Lettuce (Gem)
The 2 pack of rustlers chicken burgers are perfect for little hands, at just 140g each, they are smaller than the normal rustlers burgers so they are perfect for little hands and the kids will love them.

The simple method!
The best thing about the Tesco veg was being able to just stick it all into the oven (which took less than a minute) so I was able to start ticking other things off my long parenting to-do list while they cooked.
Just as they were done, I popped the girls Rustlers into the microwave, in just 90 seconds their burgers were done. Now if you have fussy children like me, a great thing about using a Rustlers, is they can choose whether or not to have the sauce (or just sub your own if thats what you want).
Plating up
So as this was the simplest meal I've made, I decided to make the girls plate more exciting than usual. Kairi wanted a sun and Naminé wanted a garden/flower.
With the girls Rustlers at the centre of their plates, I began to arrange the veg to make a large flower and sun. As we had stars, I just popped them into the sky too.

The Result
Empty plates and a very relaxed mummy! The girls loved their burgers and ate all their veg too, they were so excited that their dinner was a pretty picture and they asked for it again 2 days later! I think Rustlers might just become our new quick dinner. I just love the fact that the girls got a balanced weekend meal.
Don't worry, I didn't forget mummy and daddy, we had grabbed ourselves one of the larger rustlers burgers and some of the veg that the girls had (along with some sliced avocado for me) and we had a fabulous meal too.
Top tip: Grab some paper plates, then there's no need to was up either #ParentingWin
Rustlers provides an opportunity to get creative by adding toppings and sides to create a balanced meal, I'd love to know what you would grab from Tesco to add to your Rustlers to Hack it, let me know below.
*This post is an entry for BritMums Rustlers Burger Hacking Challenge, sponsored by Rustlers
*This is a sponsored post, but the awesome ideas are my own!*