The List Linky 6th April
Welcome back to ‘The List‘, THE place to share your list posts.
Who can link up? You can link up any post that is a list or that contains a list (by that I mean a couple of bullet points is fine). Recipes, checklists, to-do lists are also fine. Posts can be old or new, all welcome and you can also link up to 3 posts.
Firstly can I just say SORRY!! Apparently wordpress didn't publish my scheduled post last week! Please forgive me!
This week I am linking 5 Products you MUST have for your next holiday with kids and The Orchards, Haven | Review
My favourite posts from last week were;
- Alternative Easter Gifts for Boys - Freddies Mummy Uk
- 9 Things we love about staying at Highlands End Holiday Park- Sleeping Through Yet
- 5 reasons to use fake grass in your garden - Virtually Allsorts
- A letter to myself as a first time mum- The Baby Boat Diaries
- 24 hints and tips for long term exclusive pumping techniques - Red Rachel
MY LIST: (last week)
- I went on an amazing holiday with my best friend and kids
- I did Aby Moore's Q2 goal setting and I'm feeling pumped up!
- I started Blogilates this week, it felt SO good but also painful too
- We started Planning for Kairi's 5th Birthday and got some awesome bargains on the gifts she wanted!
- My Pin-Ultimate plan over on The Blog Assistant has been really popular :)
- Hubby took us all out for Pizza Hut this week and it was just so nice to have a day out as a family.
MY LIST: (This week)
- I'm so excited to say I've booked and paid for my first ever beach holiday. I'm feeling so proud right now.
- The Inner Circle is amazing, those ladies keep me going every day and I have no idea what I'd do without all the amazing help and support.
- I've completed a whole week of blogilates - hands up in the air (may have brought myself a cute Yoga Mat to celebrate
- I'm working with 2 fantastic brands and I'm so excited to share with you in the coming weeks!
- I only have 2 more spots left for Pin-Ultimate. Here's a secret there is a new product coming out soon too shhhs!!
- I survived juggling; lone parenting, home ed, my business and housework while my husband was unconscious for about 72 hours after his seizure this week.
- My most popular blog post this week was; *still* 21 Secrets you didn't know about Disneyland Paris 4 weeks running! There's an exciting opt-in coming soon.
- My own favourite post this week was; The Orchards, Haven | Review