3 ways we are improving our home this year
Looking around our home now, you can tell it's had a few years of wear and tear. The paint is pealing, the windows are blown and there are knocks, scrapes and bumps everywhere.
So we've decided that this year is the year to work on improving the house. A few changes can make a huge difference to your home and make it feel like a new house all over again.
Our windows are old now, they don't come clean very well and are in real need of some TLC. I've been taking a look at some window companies and have found some great prices for replacement windows.
Although the upstairs windows can stay how the are, I would really love some large open windows downstairs to allow for a better view of the fields around us. I want to be able to sit at it on a rainy day and just watch the drops flow and have double glazing to keep in the heat!

A fresh lick of paint will do the house no end of good. When we painted the lounge two years ago, it felt like a totally different room I'd stepped into. A nice bright feature wall and some fresh cool tones will give it a wider open space look for the spring and summer ahead.
A matching bright rug to go with the feature wall will really pull the colour out into the room. I can already see some pretty matching cushions that I love too. (Now just to find them!)

Finally the carpets! In all honestly they weren't the best when we moved in and are at the top of our replacement list this year. We want something plain that will go with the freshness of out soon-to-be newly painted walls.
I'm really loving the idea of long pile, something that I can really sink my feet into and curl my toes!
Do you need to improve your home? Would you love double glazed windows? What is your next big project. Let me know! Don't forget to head to our home page and see whats new on the blog this week.
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