A packaged arrived at our house last week, as I opened the box, the girls hovered around. I pulled out what was inside to reveal a Scruff-a-luvs families...
The girls went wild!
They absolutely love animals, seeing them, loving them and taking care of them and what's even more cute than a dog or a cat? A puppy or a kitty! and Scruff-A-Luvs families are just that!

So, whats a Scruff-a-Luvs Family?
Scruff-a-luvs are abandoned pets that are matted and in need of love. As you look after and care for your new pet, you will find a dog or a cat who has babies hiding inside! There are 3 stages to the Rescue & Reveal process; wash, reveal and dry, groom and love.
Rescue & Reveal
1. Wash
Spend time giving your Scruff-a-Luvs a bath. Wash out its matted fur and get rid of all those sad matts.
2. Reveal and Dry
Find out what pet you have rescued! A dog or a cat? Does it have twins or rare triplets? Now you've revealed your Scruff-a-Luvs and it's babies, give it a really good dry. It's a pet salon at home!
3. Groom and Love
Time to style and love your new family. Use the awesome accessories that come in the pack to make your new pets feel happy and loved agin. Once they’re looking fluffy, give them a name and check their date of birth on their certificate.

Our Scruff-a-Luvs Experience
We started off by opening the box, a big ball of scruff was sat on one side and the other complete with 6 doors. The girls grabbed the ball straight away and began to wash it in the water we had ready. As they washed their precious new pet, the look of delight filled their face as they realised they hadn't just got 1 Scruff-a-Luvs, but it was a mummy cat with baby kittens too!
Out popped 2 babies, the warm water changed their hearts from purple to pink and blue. One girl and one boy, they were so adorable.
Back to washing and we spent a long time really making sure we had given our 3 new family members love and care, after being abandoned. It was important that mummy felt safe and knew her kitties would be looked after here too.

We got them out of the bath and the girls lovingly wrapped them into towels. It was adorable to watch how kind they were with their new family.
While the new pets got towel dried, the girls started to open the surprise boxes. They took it in turns, 1 each, excitedly waiting to see what each other got. One by one they opened up a colour with a heart locket, heart shaped sticker 'photos' to put a picture of mum and her babies in her locket, a pink and blue item of clothing for both kittens, birth certificate, a hairbrush and a squeezy bottle.

Now the accessories were out, it was time to give the Scruff-a-Luvs a really good dry. We grabbed the hair dryer and got to work, making sure mum and her babies stayed warm the whole process. The girls loved being able to be in charge of the hairdryer and took it in turns to give everyone a really good brush.
Note: Big/Adult Scruff-a-Luvs take a very long time to dry with just the hairdryer, so when they feel like they're almost there, it's better to just let them air-dry than burn out your hairdryer! The instructions do say you can put them on a spin in the washing machine, but there was no way the girls were going to part with them!

One the Scruff-a-Luvs were almost dry it was time to put their accessories on, they dressed the kittens up, put a colar on mummy cat and then were straight off playing making them a home and a bed to sleep in. Today is about a week since they arrived and they are still taken to bed every single night! They get wrapped up regularly and it's been an amazing talking point on why we shouldn't get a cat and how people abandon animals.
Each Scruff-a-luvs is not only a super cute and fun product, but is are a great educational prompt too.
As they can be washed over and over again, the girls are totally excited to take them into the bath, paddling pool and just play with them in water play.

*This is a sponsored post, all opinions are our own*