Home DIY ideas for lockdown #ad
What a year 2020 has been so far! With the announcement of lockdown and isolation I've gone from a work at home and home educating mum to a ball of craziness that seams to be everywhere and doing everything. Home ed changed, my business has changed and my husband is at home 24/7. With us all in the house more, it's safe to say that we've noticed a lot of things that need working on. Most recently we took a swing and fixing up the garden and I have to say some mini fences and bark has gone a long way to making it look and feel homely again!
With that being said we are now ready to take on our next project and it has to be the room we use most. We've lived here for 5 years now and the front room is looking a little worse for wear. With no heating for 1.5 years and a hole in the roof, winter sure gave our home a battering and because of this the paint on the walls is peeling and the carpet really needs replacing. I'm ready to start this new project, but all new projects need a great plan, so I thought i'd get this one down in writing!
As I mentioned earlier, the walls really need some work. When we moved in the walls were plain magnolia, but about a year later we took a sky grey to them that looked amazing. It's been 4 year since that and if i'm honest I do still love the colour, so another bucket (or 2) of Wilko Grey Skies is exactly what we need to get this project started.
Something else that needs painting is the fireplace, it looks like it was a lovely colour in the past, but now it's an awful shade of black and orange (perfect for halloween!) I'd love to sand it down and restore it to it's former glory!

The flooring in this house is what needs the most work. I remember stepping through the door the day we moved in and being smacked in the face by what I can only describe as 80's carpet! I'm sure it was great quality at the time, but it could really do with being replaced now.
The carpet in the living room is old and very threadbare in places. My idea is to finally get something to match the walls and get one for the hall at the same time!
As we are in rented accommodation, we need to stick to light colours like the landlady has asked, I have to say I'm really attracted to the Lyon Silver Carpet and the Liquorice Salvador for the hall - as we can have a darker colour in there. Both these carpets look like they will stand the test of time and the Salvador looks like it would be the perfect long lasting entrance carpet.

As the girls have grown, out living room has changed. Where a corner once held a pile of toys, it now holds a desk and 2 computers. One thing I'd love to change is to get rid of the two old chairs that the girls are using and change them to proper desk chairs. Not only would it be much better for them, but I really think it would help to create a better looking learning environment in the room.

What room is complete without accessories! I have to admit, accessories is something I always slack on. I get the project done and say I'll think about it later but then don't! This time i'd love to get some bright lamps and throw cushions to go around the sofa as well as some mixtiles with photos of our family/life on the wall around the TV. Some cute fake flowers in a few different tiles so we could change them up depending on the season and a nice tall lamp for the corner of the room too. This time I really want to put the effort into the accessories.
What other ideas do you have? I'd love to hear them and then tweak my plan! Has lockdown turned you into a DIY god or goddess?
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