You are heading into the parks and you've become a huge Disney fan. You've been on It's a Small World more times than you know how to count and you can easily sing the words in 4 different languages! Although your love of the rides won't disappear, you want and need more, you want to know the secrets of the park and more importantly, you want an easy way to remember them once you are standing on main street crying at the castle (It's not just me, I'm sure!)
Sound like you? Well I've created a perfect printable to pop in your bag, or pocket if you print 2-4 pages per sheet, so you can find all the secrets from both the Disneyland Park and the Studios Parks at Disneyland Paris while taking pictures of the castle!
51 secrets and things you didn't know about Disneyland Paris
Disneyland Paris Secret and thing you didn't know #1
Head up to Boot Hill Cemetery in Frontierland, press your ear up against the big metal grave, can you hear the restless spirit?
Disneyland Paris Secret and thing you didn't know #2
This one is a big secret and one that I only found out recently. It isn't open for the public, but as you head into Alice's Curious Labyrinth, can you spot the slide on the side of the castle?
Disneyland Paris Secret and thing you didn't know #3
Head inside Studio 1, did you realise you can play around with the lighting and efforts board! This is great when it's raining or you want to talk a slow walk home.
Disneyland Paris Secret and thing you didn't know #4
Take a walk under the castle and see if you can spot the dragon. Can you find out what it's called? (Hint: It's not Maleficent)
Disneyland Paris Secret and thing you didn't know #5
When you head into Chez Remy, you are transformed from a human to a mouse. Can you spot the exact moment this transformation takes place? Take a look at the tiles on the floor, what changes around you?
Want the rest? Grab the printable below!