A perfect day at Disneyland Paris in the Summer
We don't have long until our next trip away now, but of course i'm still spending every day dreaming about Disneyland Paris! This week we have the wonderful Rachel, talking all about her perfect day at Disneyland Paris in the summer. Let us know your perfect day at Disney below too!
First things first, what time are you waking up, how and where are you?
We wake up bright and early and very excited at 7am at Sequoia Lodge Golden Forest Club room.
Who is with you and are you a planner?
My hubby, myself and my two daughter’s BB and LB. We have all put ideas in for the first day. We are hungry and ready to eat.
Now it’s breakfast time, what are you eating?
Character breakfast which was amazing! I don’t know who was more excited us or the kids when some of the characters came in! We indulge and try out everything on the buffet menu – even those delicious pan au chocolat! I wasn’t keen on the sausages as they were veal I believe.

Okay, so it’s time to head off to the parks, which one are you heading to and how are you getting there? Are you doing anything on the way?
We walked / skipped/ ran about 15-20 minutes from the lodge to Walt Disney Studio park.
You’re in! What’s the first thing you do?
Stare and take in the scenery, the magic and all the shops! Oh take start taking lots of photos!
What’s on your hit list for the morning?
The girls want to check out the rides while I want to take in the scenery. The girls win. Hubby and BB spot Tower of Terror – OMG I can not explain how scared that ride is! The girls and Hubby thought it was brill. Me – er nope! After this it’s riding Crusher’s Coaster – we loved this ride!
We then head over to the Disney Park for more rides. On the way we rent a stroller for LB, due to her joint hypermobility and Autism needs, she finds walking, noise and crowds overwhelming and she can not walk far without her legs hurting. We are also able to receive the ride access passes. If we didn’t have these my girls would never had queued for the rides. The queues and crowds are just too much for them both.
It’s lunch time where are you eating and what are you ordering?
Because we has stuffed ourselves silly at breakfast we go for magnum ice creams and go and queue up to meet Goofy.

Whats on the plan for the afternoon?
Afternoon plans are watching the Marvel Avengers show back at Walt Disney Studio park, (hubby and BB are big fans). After this we then go back to the other Disney Park and book a time to ‘meet a princess’, we have to come back 1 hour later for our time slot. While waiting we spot the small world ride has barely any queue – great – we thought. Both of my girls couldn’t look while on the ride, it’s full of dolls singing songs from around the world. The dolls face’s scared both BB and LB. We then walk around and studied the Disney Map and spot Pirates of the Caribbean ride which is at the other side of the park. While walking we spot the Mad Hatters Tea Party maze which we enter and explore, we didn’t get lost wahoo! We even found our way into the center where the Red Queens castle is.
Once we get back out of the maze our time is nearly approaching to meet a princess so off we go. LB got to meet Snow White! What a lovely kind princess to meet. She chatted to LB about where the 7 dwarfs are and what they were doing, LB was in pure awe of her.
What Disney snack are you getting to get rid of the 3pm twangs?
We are really lucky the 3pm twangs are sorted with the free savoury buffet back at the golden forest lounge club restaurant back at Sequioa lodge. Because both of my girls need regular quiet breaks to calm down and refocus due to their Autism needs the lodge upgraded us to Club when we arrived which meant we were able to access the afternoon savoury buffet at the hotel which was in a quiet room with low lighting. It was really nice to get this for them.
We go back to our room so the girls can unwind and LB crashes out for an hour. Hubby and I drink tea and watch some tv while BB reads the maps over and over.
About 5pm we head out for dinner. We eat in the Hunters Grill which is the restaurant in our hotel. We devour a hot buffet with a big variety of meals – some are very child friendly like chips, chicken nuggets, noodles, plain chicken, spaghetti and meatballs. There was a nice selection of food for the adults too, fresh meats, spicy chicken, various types of fish with herbs on them. I don’t really like fish so I did not try this.
The dessert selection of sweet puddings, fresh fruit salads and a help yourself fruit bowl was again all you can eat. All very delicious!
We waddle out full and raring to go back to the parks, we again walk with LB in the stroller. It’s chillier so we all wear light jackets. We aim for the Pirates of the Caribbean Ride and a few more as they don’t close until 10pm (Walt Disney Studio park) and 11pm at the Disney Park because of the fireworks.
The parade has been, night is falling, what MUST you get a picture of in the dark?
The parade was such fun! We had to get the picture of the beautiful princess castle beautifully lit.
Whats on your evening plans?
Fireworks! We were told by lots of people that we have to see the fireworks. I am not really bothered about fireworks but these ones gave me goosebumps – I was totally blown away with the whole display. It was jam packed leaving, LB was sleepy and BB was buzzing from the fireworks and became really hyper. Hubby had to remain close to BB to make sure she didn’t try and run off as when she gets hyper is has been known to run off. She didn’t thankfully but did get anxious about the crowds so we had to guide her out of the park in a line so Hubby went first, BB in the middle with me bringing up the year with LB in the stroller.

What did you buy today?
I brought a grumpy tea mug – he is my fav dwarf. LB got a Disney jacket, BB got a pluto hat and hubby brought a goofy hat.
What’s the last thing you do before you say goodnight?
We all cuddle up together and speak about our day and what we did. The girls are yawning and so are we. They both sleepily get into their beds and we fall asleep very quickly dreaming of the magical day we had just created and the memories we have just made.
My name is Rachel, I live in Surrey with my Hubby and two girls, age 13 and 8. I write a Family, Lifestyle and Wellbeing blog. I want to encourage mums to look for the positives in life as well as looking after themselves in the busy world of motherhood. I Love cups of tea, chocolate and comfy clothes.
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